David W Deitch – SAP Crystal Reports Developer
Sandy Springs, GA 30328
404-992-0851 (c)
daviddeitch@crystalconnectionsatl.com (e)
http://www.linkedin.com/in/ddeitch (l)
crystalconnectionsatl.com (w)
Seeking a position in Business Intelligence reporting that draws upon my extensive experience with SAP Crystal Reports, SQL, and Oracle databases and my diverse business and IT background to build new business information solutions that enhance business operations and managing business critical processes and applications.
Because every database has a story to tell.
Experienced with most versions of Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports Enterprise and Server, and Crystal Dashboards with some experience with WebI and Business Objects Enterprise. I have developed financial and transactional/invoicing reports, operations, and resource utilization reports, KPI and customer-facing reports, forms and letters, calendar and time-based reports and dashboard reports. I have worked for companies in television production, debit cards, VoIP, education, government and law enforcement, accounting and payroll, insurance and retirement investing.
Developed reports that involve hundreds of formulas collecting metrics from disconnected data sources and displaying summary tables, reports made up entirely of a string of sub-reports, reports designed specifically to export cleanly to Microsoft Excel and CSV files for export and reports designed to print on pre-printed forms. I have used conditional formatting to enable reports to change based on data-driven criteria, global variables to pass data into and out of sub-reports, dynamic parameters to control the data source, and complex in-report table linking when scripting access to the database was not possible.
Worked with a variety of SQL data sources, including views, stored procedures, dynamic stored procedures, views, recursive CTE expressions, functions, defined and parameter variables, sub-queries for data selection and data filtering, expressions for conditional data selection, and expressions for data conversion and analysis. I have developed data sources that utilize unions to combine multiple variations of like data sets as well as data sources that combine multiple unrelated data sets. I have designed custom databases to store massive quantities of data specifically to serve as data sources for reports.
Throughout my work history, I have been able to deliver effective business intelligence solutions on schedule and on budget, contribute to the continuous improvement of business, development, and IT processes, demonstrate strong analytical, organized and detail-oriented problem-solving skills, and exhibited a proven ability to work both independently and in a team of partners, customers, and managers.
Crystal Reports Portfolio
The following represents examples of the thousands of Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions delivered:
- Package Manufacturing – Report solutions for the Radius packaging management system, from sales and inventory management to core packaging and pallet labels for logistics tracking and management.
- Jury Management – NCSC compliant report solutions to generate both petite and grand jury summons, manage jury pools, panels, and trials, and track juror reporting and empanelment utilization and yield.
- Financial Services – Report solutions to produce paperless invoices, accounts analysis, receivables aging, and a Dunning Letter that uses increasingly insistent phrasing if account aging is past due.
- Roll-Forward Reconciliation – Report solutions that break daily debit card transaction activity into API, Settlement and Fee categories for banking reconciliation and journal entry.
- Dashboard/Key Performance Indicators – Report solutions that tie together financial and operations information from across the business for trend analysis and product planning.
- Fraud Analysis – Report solutions that analyze debit card and IVR usage patterns to identify high-risk activity to be flagged for further investigation.
- Customer Care Analysis – Report solutions that track automated customer service activities to evaluate system usability and customer care effectiveness.
- Commissions – Report solutions to calculate commissions owed to Point-of-Sale partners based on debit card sales and customer usage in accordance with rate plans and retail partner agreements.
- Operations Analysis – Report solutions that track customer utilization of debit card features, rate plan changes, account maintenance and contract compliance.
- Workflow Tracking – Report solutions designed to serve as primary work documents for the origination, execution, and reconciliation of production services.
- Month-End Analysis – Report solutions for the analysis of billing and receivables transaction history and revenue distribution by ledger account as part of the monthly financial cycle.
- Resource Scheduling – Report solutions that present scheduled facility, personnel, and resource activity in calendar format for production sessions in daily, weekly, and monthly formats.
- Personnel Management – Report solutions that facilitate the management of production personnel shifts, session activity and utilization, and scheduled time off.
- Project Management – Report solutions that track and manage costs, resource allocation and activities for complex budget multi-disciplined production projects.
- Fault Management – Report solutions that perform metric analysis and charting of managed elements, service incidents and alarm activity for business operations and forecasting.
- Performance Management – Report solutions that perform metric analysis and charting of VoIP performance in global convergent networks.
- Form Design – Report solutions that print to exacting form design requirements.
- Issue and Incident Management – Report solutions that documented issue tracking, incident resolution, service quality analysis and version release management.
- Customer Retention – Report solutions that track returning customer activity across time using crosstabs.
- Marketing Analysis– Report solutions to analyze metrics for email coupons, banner ads and Pay-Per-Click promotions.
- Performance Analysis – Report solutions that provide students, teachers, and administrators with performance results from instructional and assessment educational activities.
- Retirement Savings Servicing – Report solutions for producing defined benefits calculations, participant confirmation letters, quarterly statements, and distribution process tracking.
- Interbank Loan Analysis – Report solutions that provide daily and monthly analysis of interbank loan advances and repayments.
- Payroll Management – Report solutions that support the management of single and multi-company payrolls including printed checks and direct deposit advice, earnings statements, payroll registers, benefits payment and retirement savings contribution exports, tax and WOTC status reporting.
- Metric Analysis – Report solutions that quantify the success of promotional email packages by tracking the number of subscriptions, emails sent and received, bounced, clicks, conversions, subscribes and unsubscribes.
- Animal Management – Report solutions to track feed ration formulas, health records, weight targets and progressions and Lot/Pen identification of raised bovine resources.
- Government Operations Management – Report solutions for managing city and county government operations, including Cashiering, Business and Professional Licensing, Project, Planning and Permitting, Inspections, Code Management and Violations both internal and customer-facing, and Key Performance Index reports.
- Insurance – Member quotes, policy declarations and forms, claims reports, activity reports, internal underwriting, and management reports.
- Healthcare – Report solutions for managing hospital operating room, including patient bookings, surgeon management and post case analysis.
Employment History
Crystal Reports Developer, American Packaging Corp, Columbus, WI, 11/2024 – 9/2024 (remote)
Worked as part of the Application Development Team to develop new and modify existing Crystal Reports templates for the Radius manufacturing ERP application, including sales and inventory analysis, logistics, and packaging labels reports.
Crystal Reports Developer, Iowa Judicial Branch, Des Moines, IA, 2/2020 – 4/2023 (remote)
Worked with the application support team to modify existing and design new Crystal Reports templates for the Judicial Branch of the State of Iowa in the Clearview Jury Management application and Oracle SQL environment.
Community Fool, The Motley Fool, Alexandria, VA, 3/2015 – 9/2023 (remote)
Facilitated conversation among member Fools in the TMF Community discussion boards as a Ticker Guide Plus, Stroller and Premium Home Fool.
Crystal Reports Developer, GalaxE Solutions, Atlanta, GA, 6/2019 – 11/2019 (remote)
Assigned to client project to provide SQL and Crystal Reports migration as part of Picis OR Manager 8.6 hospital management software. Worked directly with client to document report catalog to be migrated, update SQL view and stored procedure data sources and reappoint report templates to new database server, including unit and application function testing, documentation, and design improvements.
Crystal Reports Developer, Nonprofits Insurance Alliance Group, Santa Cruz, CA, 9/2016 – 4/2018 (remote)
Maintained library of Crystal 8.5, XI and 2011 reports in SQL environment, including property and casualty, auto and general liability quotes, declarations, and forms, claims reports, member activity reports and other customer facing and internal underwriting and operations reporting.
Crystal Reports Developer, Tyler Technologies, Duluth, GA, 7/2013 – 6/2016
Custom development of client internal and customer-facing reporting solutions for the EnerGov planning and permitting system for city and county governments. Designed and developed standard reports in SQL and helped streamline report development process and best practices. Curated peer user support on Tyler Community, including technical blog posts, developed, and delivered client training and user documentation for a Reporting Toolkit to support clients designing their own reports.
Business Intelligence Reporting Developer, Monarch Business Resiliency, Atlanta, GA, 8/2011 – 4/2013
Provided expertise to Internal Revenue Service project team’s efforts to design and build a Business Intelligence Reporting platform for a centralized cyber security business resiliency, continuity, and disaster recovery enterprise application. Produced technical and user documentation in service of the project.
Crystal Reports Instructor, SkillForge, Atlanta, GA, 5/2012 – 6/2012 (remote)
Delivered basic and advanced instructor-led online training for Crystal Reports XI and Crystal Reports 2008.
Crystal Reports Developer, Cattle Xperts, Atlanta, GA, 7/2011 – 8/2011 (remote)
Assisted the client in diagnosing and fixing issues with cattle management Crystal Reports Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions used to track cattle feedings, health, and weight development.
Crystal Reports Developer, What Counts, Atlanta, GA, 2/2011 – 5/2011
Supported client analysis of email campaign metrics by modifying existing and developing new Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions for tracking the success of email packages, including content clicks, conversions, subscriptions and unsubscribes. Modified MAS 90 accounting reports for export to Excel.
SAP Reportapalooza Expert, Page One PR, Atlanta, GA, 8/2010 – 11/10 (remote)
Promoted SAP Crystal Solutions as one of five Reporting Experts competing in Reportapalooza, a national marketing campaign involving challenges for the creation of dashboards, tutorial videos, blog posts and use of social and professional networking.
Crystal Reports Developer, PayDay USA, Atlanta, GA, 5/2010 – 10/2010
Assisted Customer Service Representatives by delivering report solutions for clients including payroll registers, checks, earnings statements, benefits and retirement savings exports, tax and WOTC analysis for Millennium 3 payroll management system on MS-SQL 2008 and Oracle databases.
Crystal Reports Developer, Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, 1/2010 – 4/2010
Provided reporting continuity by creating a suite of interbank loan analysis Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions in a new SQL database environment based on the source code and output of old Sybase based reports.
Crystal Reports Developer, GEBCorp, Atlanta, GA, 1/2009 – 2/2010
Addressed operational reporting deficiencies by modifying and creating Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions for defined contribution 401a and 457b retirement savings and defined benefit pension systems, including confirmation letters, benefits calculation forms, distribution process tracking and quarterly statements.
Crystal Reports Consultant, Bio-Key International, Marlborough, MA, 6/2008 – 11/2009 (remote)
Fulfilling key customer commitments by customizing traffic accident Crystal Reports business intelligence solution in accordance with strict government design requirements.
ScheduALL Implementation Manager, FamilyNet Television Network, Atlanta, GA, 9/2008 – 6/2009
Fulfilling key customer commitments by customizing traffic accident Crystal Reports business intelligence solution in accordance with strict government design requirements.
Crystal Reports Developer, Curriculum Advantage, Atlanta, GA, 9/2008 – 12/2008
Created student performance analysis tools through the design and development of a suite of Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions for the new Classworks educational web-based software package.
Crystal Reports Developer, iKobo Money Transfer, Inc., Atlanta, GA, 06/2008 – 8/2008
Replaced faulty Excel-based process for customer retention and marketing performance analysis with reporting solution by performing business analysis and documenting requirements, including process, user interface and database design elements.
ScheduALL Reports Developer, PostWorks, New York, NY, 1/2008 – 5/2008 (remote)
Supported accounting requirements by customizing Work Order and Invoicing Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions in a SQL based ScheduALL environment.
Senior Reporting Engineer, Avaya, Inc., Norcross, GA, 4/2005 – 11/2007
Designed, developed, and implemented Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions for internal operations and customer facing requirements in Remedy 7 Action Request System and Oracle environments. Facilitated budget management and resource allocation through Crystal Reports Server XI R2 and improved the efficiency of customer-facing reporting solutions by streamlining data sources and implementing requested design enhancements.
Led an international team for the requirements analysis, database design, process management, report design and development, systems verification and implementation for a reporting solution that delivered on contractual reporting obligations for VoIP performance. Closed service delivery gaps and improved information analysis with solutions for issue tracking, incident resolution, service analysis and release management.
Crystal Reports Instructor, Cognizant Technology Solutions, 4/2005 – 5/2005 (remote)
Developed and delivered interactive advanced Crystal Reports classroom training over the internet for global IT consultants.
Crystal Reports Server Analyst, ITC Financial Services, Suwanee, GA, 05/2004 – 3/2005
Developed business intelligence solutions in Crystal Reports Enterprise and SQL 2000 environment for stored value debit card system, summarizing financial transaction activity for analysis and reconciliation, performing fee revenue trend analysis, fraud and Interactive Voice Response (IVR) analysis, and corrupt transaction analysis.
Advanced Business Systems Analyst, Turner Broadcasting System, Inc, Atlanta, GA, 4/1992 – 7/2003
Managed the Turner Studios ScheduALL system with over 100 rooms, 100 services, 300 clients, 1000 personnel and resources:
- Designed, developed, and delivered Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions utilizing linked tables, formulas, record selection criteria, dynamic elements, sub-reports, SQL views, stored procedures, and parameters.
- Supported financial operations through the development of Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions for month-end, receivables and general ledger analysis, paperless invoicing, dynamic dunning letters, and transaction auditing.
- Improved client services through the development of Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions to facilitate production operations through work order forms, resource assignments, project costing and tape stock slippage analysis.
- Simplified personnel management through the development of Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions for the scheduling of production talent through the analysis of resource and client activity and personnel utilization.
- Contributed to the growth of production services and products through the development of Crystal Reports business intelligence solutions to justify facility and personnel expansion and to analyze client activity for trends and aberrations.
- Developed, implemented, and validated Y2K assurance for all ScheduALL application components.
- Facilitated business growth through the integration of new ScheduALL modules, application features and customized Crystal Reports into existing production operations through needs and application analysis.
- Maintained facility availability and operability while transitioning rooms, resources, and services in coordination with operations and engineering teams to ensure alignment during migration to a new digital studio.
- Enhanced user productivity by designing and delivering individual and shared ScheduALL learning opportunities through training materials, hands-on classroom sessions and one-on-one tutorials.
- Simplified payroll processing by developing Excel-based Time Sheet application for production personnel that automatically applied rules for regular, overtime, shift differential, freelance, and straight time employment.
Bachelor of Science, Computer Science, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO
Certified Network Professional, Network Professional Association (NPA)
Host, Crystal Reports and Crystal Reports Professionals of Atlanta groups on LinkedIn
Social Media Director, Morty’s TV
Board Chair, Network Professional Association (NPA)
Executive Director, Network Professional Association (NPA)
Communications/Social Media Director, Network Professional Association (NPA)
A2 Hosting Web Site Hosting
Avenu Insights Clearview 4.x
Business Objects Enterprise 3.1
Clearview/AgileJury 4.4.x
Crystal Reports v6 – 2020
Crystal Reports Dashboards (Xcelcius) 2008
Crystal Reports Server 10/XI/2008
Energov 9.x/2016.x
Microsoft Office 20xx/365
Microsoft IIS 6/7
Microsoft FrontPage 2003
Microsoft SQL Server 20xx
Microsoft Project 2003
Microsoft TFS/VSS
Microsoft Visual Studio 2012/SCE
Novell NetWare 3/4/5/6
Oracle SQL v12
Picis OR Manager 8.6
Postgres SQL
Pinnacle Studio v6-25
Radius 10-1
Remedy Action Request System 7
ScheduALL 4.x
Windows 9X/NT/2K/XP/Vista/7/8/10/11
Windows Server NT/2K/20xx